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Hospitality Practitioner 2.0

Dear Participants


On behalf of Taylor's University and MAH, we sincerely would like to thank you for participating to the Hospitality Practitioner training 2.0 . We hope you had a pleasant learning experience and it has helped you enlarge your industry based knowledge and expertise. 

With the training coming to an end in a few days, we would like to share a few information : 

Final Announcements


  • The module Hygiene Practices for hospitality will close on 16 March 2021. If you are registered for the module, please ensure you reach 100% completion.


  • Certificate of completion will be issued by end of March and sent to your email. Due to the limitations caused by the pandemic, only a digital copy of the certificate will be provided. 


  • The Certificate of completion will indicate all the module you have completed. If one module was closed before you could complete it, please contact us on WhatsApp and we will re-open the module for a few days.


  • If you agreed to participate to the QS survey, and wish to vote, please note the closing date for the survey is tomorrow.


  • Our team is currently developing new modules for the Hospitality Training 2.0  that we will be offering free of charge in the coming months. Should you wish to be a participant for the upcoming modules, please send an email to Miss Amar  at so we can be in touch with you when the new modules are released.


  • To collect your feedbacks and views on the training, we have designed a simple closing survey. Your feedbacks are really  meaningful to us and will be used to enhance the content and the training.


The certificate of completion will issued upon the completion of the closing survey.


Below are the links to the closing survey. We would sincerely appreciate if you could complete the survey by 16 March 2021


Please choose the survey based on how many module you completed



The certificate of completion will issued upon the completion of the closing survey.

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